Golden Beer Batter & Flowery Twats

Good Saturday Morning everyone. Hope everyone had a good week. This week’s meal plan is perfect for the sleep deprived parent who needs it easy.

I find a spot of humor always helps when its been a tough week and below is an oldie but a goodie from Fawlty Towers….or Flowery Twats for those seasoned FT watchers.

Day one – Ode to Manuel…Basil Ratatouille Pasta (pack this with veggies and blitz for fussy eaters)
Day two – Sausages (chorizo, plain pork), Sweet Potato, Caramalised Onion and Feta
Day three – Golden Beer Battered Fish, Chips and Peas
Day four – Chicken Curry with Green Beans and Rice
Day five – Meatballs Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce

I made fish and chips, which was a bit of a watershed for me as I have never deep-fried anything in my life! Well, I shallow fried in my wok. But it really was fish and chips. And I hasten to add for my dutch ‘air-fryer’ missionaries – this would not be possible in an air-fryer. Own your deep-fat-frying I say, stop pretending it’s healthy. At least if you do it the proper way, its’ such a pain in the arse to clean up, you won’t do it that often – which is probably healthier than finding a quick and easy way. That’s my logic any how.

Easy Cooking Week Day Meals
…it’s your choice this week, make the meals from scratch or grab a helping hand using pre-made sauces or take outs e.g. the tomato sauce for the meatballs, fish and chips, curry pastes…

Superhero Diaper Mom… boldly goes where no man dares (plus meal plan ideas!)

“Code Red” is called quite a lot in our house when making diaper changes amusing for our two-year old boy. Adam insists on “code brown” which is probably more appropriate on reflection. An afternoon spent at home chilling today – which has become a bit of a necessity with the kids starting pre-school and infant school now. It doesn’t take much to trigger an afternoon’s meltdown born of exhaustion (and that’s just me). I remember cheering as an 18-year-old that I would never again have to get up for school – how naive I was! So the weekdays and weekends have that familiar distinction again for us, but somehow the weekend lie in hasn’t quite returned. So steering my ramblings back to food, I have noticed that enough (or not enough!) sleep, food and water to drink (especially in Singapore) have a huge role to play in keeping the kids balanced physically and emotionally. There still aren’t enough hours in the day to always keep on top of all three but I’m trying!

So this week’s meal plan…

Roasted Sea bass, vegetables with pasta in tomato and oregano sauce
Pancakes (breakfast) and, Lemon Chicken, rice and green leafy veggies
Damn tasty burgers, oven wedges followed by chocolate ice cream – it’s my birthday!
Stuffed Cannelloni with Spinach and Cottage Cheese
Chicken Nonya Curry

diaper mom